Dominoes are a family of tile-based games. These games are played with rectangular tiles that have two square ends with a number of spots on each end. The object is to line up the tiles to form groups of three, four, or five. The first player to reach 20 points wins the game.
The game first appeared in France shortly after 1750 and has a history that is somewhat obscure. The word domino actually means “long hooded cloak” in French, and was originally meant to refer to the cape worn by priests. The playing pieces were made of ivory or ebony, and their shapes resembled the cape.
Traditionally, dominoes are played from end to end. The two matching ends of each domino must match. The corresponding ends must add up to five. Occasionally, the player can place a double, a domino that has two matching ends. The player who places a double in the middle of the chain must play a tile perpendicularly to the double’s end. The rest of the game is played at right angles to the line and the total points on both ends are counted.
While playing dominoes is a classic game, many kids prefer using them as toys. When stacked in a long row, the first domino in the line can tip over and knock the next domino over. This continues until all dominoes are tipped. This is called the domino effect.
The game is played with two types of sets: the double-twelve set has 91 tiles and the double-nine set has only 55 tiles. Double-twelve sets are designed for four players. Double-nine sets have a similar number of tiles, so four players choose twelve tiles each. The double-nine set requires nine tiles at the beginning of the game.
Dominoes games are adapted from card games. Some are solitaire, while others are trick-taking games. Originally, domino games were played in certain areas to get around religious restrictions against playing card games. They are now very popular in the USA. These games are played in casinos, and people from all walks of life play them.
Dominoes are also used as tools to study nerve cells and neurons. As dominoes fall, they initiate a chain reaction. Like nerve impulses, falling dominoes can be pushed forward or knocked down by flicking them. These simple experiments are ideal for the classroom, and can help students develop their science skills as well.
Dominoes is a simple yet complex game. There are two players and double-six sets. The first player plays a domino and must match the value of the second player’s domino to win. As the game progresses, the player who has the highest domino plays the domino in each hand.
A traditional domino set contains a unique piece for every combination of two ends with zero to six spots. The highest value piece has six pips on each end. The second domino is placed at the other end with a hinge and reinforced with tape. Once this is done, the dominoes are placed upright on the ruler. The first domino is flipped by using a finger.